正奎(趙在烷飾)於大學主修電影畢業後一直苦無發揮機會,他看到電影公司的導演招聘廣告,於是興致 勃勃地去參加面試。正奎順利進入電影公司當情色電影《性感男孩》的助導。正奎無可奈何 只有接受。影片開始拍攝,正奎亦忙於找場地,安排演員檔期,因該電影是情色電影,正奎 在找場地時受盡別人白眼,致令拍攝進度不甚順利。電影女主角莎冰(鄭素貞飾)是新丁,於拍攝時頻頻 出錯正奎唯有從旁教導。正奎對電影的熱誠和認真的工作態度感染著身邊的每一個同事,莎 冰亦對正奎心生愛慕。一次晚飯後,兩人發生了關係…… 由於正奎不像其他工作人員習慣與赤裸裸的演員工作,因此為電影注入新創意靈感,《性感男孩》上影後票房大賣。此時,正奎更接到有電影公司找他合作,但原來一切不是想 象中般簡單……
Jin-gyu, an out of work film school graduate, applies for the position of director with pornographic film company, Only for Men. The following day he is hired as an assistant director for a production called All Nude Boy, and must become accustomed to working with makeshift locations, impromptu settings, and abuse from the general public. The production's lead actress, Sabine, becomes attracted to him, and the two end up speding the night together after a staff dinner. Later, Jin-gyu gets an offer to work on a real film for a major production company.